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Boombox Touch Speaker


Amplify your tunes while simplifying the process with this touch speaker boom box. Using a new inductive coupling technology (along with a sprinkling of futuristic magic), this innovative speaker produces...

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Amplify your tunes while simplifying the process with this touch speaker boom box. Using a new inductive coupling technology (along with a sprinkling of futuristic magic), this innovative speaker produces crystal clear sound without using wires or Bluetooth. Simply set your smartphone (or any mp3 player with an external speaker) on the top of the design to give your tunes a significant sound boost.

Perfect for outdoor entertaining or rocking out at home, this device runs on a rechargeable battery that's good for up to ten hours of use, and also offers a jack port if you feel like plugging in. And if anyone asks how it works, feel free to shrug and call it magic.

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