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Organic Immunity Green Tea


For thousands of years, people have sipped green tea to stay healthy. When ground into a fine powder, green tea leaves transform into matcha, and all those incredible mind-body benefits...
For thousands of years, people have sipped green tea to stay healthy. When ground into a fine powder, green tea leaves transform into matcha, and all those incredible mind-body benefits multiply. We've blended both premium Japanese matcha and green tea leaves with powerful herbs for a healthy, flavorful, smooth-tasting infusion. Organic Tea for Wellness* Arm your body's defense system with nature's best, both in sickness and in health, with this palate-pleasing blend. The antioxidants in green tea have long been praised for their ability to improve overall health and wellness.* To that, we have added echinacea, known as the body's "immune stimulant," and elderflower, known as nature's medicine chest.* A hint of orange makes a bright, flavorful cup.

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