Horse In Florals Poppies Climaweave Pillow by Manual Woodworkers and Weavers
Horse In Florals Poppies Climaweave Indoor or Outdoor Pillow can be used in your home, outside, and even as part of your garden decor. These pillows and cushions are made from a UV treated fabric called Climaweave that is resistant to mold, moisture and fading. This Climaweave indoor outdoor pillow is digitally printed so it will stay beautiful for years. Climaweave Pillows can be found in many different styles and patterns including Floral, Garden, Western, Nautical, Animal, birds and more. All Climaweave pillows are filled with recycled polyester for comfort and longevity.
© Susan Winget
18" x 18".
The Climaweave Collection is great for both indoor and outdoor decorating!
Weather Proof- Resist Moisture and Fading
Durable- Enjoy Season after Season
All pillows repeat the same design on the back unless they are indicated as reversible.
Proudly Made in USA by Manual Woodworkers and Weavers.
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