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Kiwi Pear Green Tea


The Republic of Tea's sip by sip lifestyle brings about a life of health, balance and well-being. Since ancient times in Japan and China, a simple cup of green tea...

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The Republic of Tea's sip by sip lifestyle brings about a life of health, balance and well-being. Since ancient times in Japan and China, a simple cup of green tea has been imbued with the capability of enlightening both mind and body. This highly valued China green tea represents all that and more. Like all tea, green tea is a varietal of the Camellia sinensis bush. But unlike black and oolong teas, it is not oxidized and undergoes less processing retaining more of its beneficial properties. Tea offers a world health-inducing benefits, but green tea is most widely known for its polyphenols, which are strong antioxidants. It is also blissfully calorie-free. We invite you to heat the water, steep the tea and sip its greatness, taking in its teachings everyday of the week.

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