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Unicorn Warmies


Warmies® Large 13” heatable soft toys are fully microwavable soft toys that can be heated in a microwave to provide hours of soothing warmth and comfort. These adorable microwavable soft...

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Warmies® Large 13” heatable soft toys are fully microwavable soft toys that can be heated in a microwave to provide hours of soothing warmth and comfort. These adorable microwavable soft toys are warming, weighted and scented, making them an ideal gift for all ages. Warmies® can be reheated time and time again and with the proper care will last for many years, providing soothing warmth and comfort for the entire family. Allow to cool fully before each use and surface clean regularly with a damp sponge Quick facts Simply warm in a microwave Soothe, warms and comforts Lavender scented Suitable for all ages

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