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Mint Condition Soap bar


You’ll be happy to know that, underneath its bushel topping of shredded soap confetti, authentic pulverized mint leaves, lemongrass, and rose petals lie tucked away into Mint Condition’s whorls of...

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You’ll be happy to know that, underneath its bushel topping of shredded soap confetti, authentic pulverized mint leaves, lemongrass, and rose petals lie tucked away into Mint Condition’s whorls of green marbled soap — a tangle of ingredients that, together, conjure a provocative scent, both chilled and romantic. Mint Condition is perfect for slow, stuffy mornings, rejuvenating skin with a slight wintry bite.

Ingredients: Purified water, saponified oils of organic olive, organic coconut, palm, shea butter, select essential and/or fragrance oils and whole and crushed mint, rose petals, lemongrass.

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