The first book in the thee-volume set of teatime recipes by Shelley Richardson. You will find this classic book in the kitchens of tearooms across North America. Over 50,000 copies sold!
A Year of Teas at the Elmwood Inn
By Shelley and Bruce Richardson
Photography by John Gentry
This collection of 12 menus from the kitchen of historic Elmwood Inn is arranged in a month-by-month layout with 96 delicious recipes. Beautifully illustrated with 25 color photographs, this book is considered a "basic" by tea rooms across the United States. Now in its 10th anniversary edition, this book has sold nearly 50,000 copies!
Published by Benjamin Press and available wholesale at 800.765.2139
Autographed copy!
Hardcover, 64 pages, 25 color photographs, 12 menus and 96 recipes
ISBN 0966347854
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