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Tea Tin-Bohea Fine Tea 3oz


Colonial Bohea Signature Loose Teacup (3oz) Description: Bohea tea, (pronounced "Boo-hee" - Ukers 510), was by far the largest import of tea during colonial times. Sometimes called Bohea Souchong or...
Colonial Bohea Signature Loose Teacup (3oz) Description: Bohea tea, (pronounced "Boo-hee" - Ukers 510), was by far the largest import of tea during colonial times. Sometimes called Bohea Souchong or Lapsang Bohea, the mixture originated in China with trade with British and Dutch companies from East India. It was so popular that the word bohea became the term for the tea track. The blend ranged wildly, comprised of broken orange pekeno, pekino, and souchong poured into a hair and then tied, typically the lowest-quality leaf scrap tea, but was considered high-quality by the settlers. Notes: smoked, wine, hot. Lighter smoky flavor than lapsang souchong. History: At the Boston Tea Party 1,586 Bohea's breasts were destroyed. Source: Oliver Pluff & Co. offers the historic bohea black tea blend. Originally from the Wuyi Mountains in Fujian, China, the name Bohea is the same as the name Wuyi (). The modern tea market offers tea from the Bohea (Wuyi) region, as well as the historic blend version of black tea. Size / weight: loose tea, sealed in matte black color.

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