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Main Squeeze Bar of Soap


A frisky blend of orange and lemon, this soap is frosted with gentle waves of fluorescent glitter, marbled in pinks, tangerines, and even a flash or two of marigold. Perfect...

A frisky blend of orange and lemon, this soap is frosted with gentle waves of fluorescent glitter, marbled in pinks, tangerines, and even a flash or two of marigold. Perfect as a wake-up-call in the mornings, or simply a means of brightening the day, the juicy scent of Main Squeeze will electrify the sluggish hours and ready you for the liveliest rendezvous.

Ingredients: Purified water, saponified oils of organic olive, organic coconut, palm, shea butter, select essential and/or fragrance oils,  zinc oxide, mica, cosmetic glitter.

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