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Regan Green Ceramic Teapot & Infuser


Take your tea game to a whole new level with this perky pot from Pinky Up! The neat ceramic lid hides a delicious secret: a stainless steel infuser that makes...

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Take your tea game to a whole new level with this perky pot from Pinky Up! The neat ceramic lid hides a delicious secret: a stainless steel infuser that makes brewing and cleanup a snap. So go on, let your hair down and get loose-leaf.
  • neat ceramic lid hides a delicious secret: a stainless steel infuser that makes brewing and cleanup a snap
  • The package length of the product is 6.22 inches
  • The package width of the product is 7.08 inches
  • The package height of the product is 5.7 inches

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  • Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis.
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  • Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper.
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