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Garlic Chipotle Dip


Our Garlic Chipotle blend is a top seller at every fair we go to! With a great smoky flavor and just the right amount of heat, this dip is sure...

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Our Garlic Chipotle blend is a top seller at every fair we go to! With a great smoky flavor and just the right amount of heat, this dip is sure to satisfy your taste buds. Add to rice, salads, grilled meat or fish for an easy seasoning. Just drizzle meat or fish with olive oil , sprinkle with the spice blend and let marinade a couple of hours before broiling or grilling.

Onion, Garlic, Parsley, Jalapeno Pepper, Red Pepper, Sea Salt, Spices, Orange Peel, Natural Mesquite Smoke Flavor

No allergens

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