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Edgar Allen Poe Mug


The Edgar Allan Poe mug is for tea-drinkers, coffee-drinkers and any fellow that fancies himself a tea-pot. This mug features Poe's likeness, as well as images and quotes from his...

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The Edgar Allan Poe mug is for tea-drinkers, coffee-drinkers and any fellow that fancies himself a tea-pot. This mug features Poe's likeness, as well as images and quotes from his iconic poems and stories. Makes any beverage mysterious! Whether you're meeting with the book club or the board of directors, UPG's Literary Mugs make a welcome addition to your cafe culture. 14 oz. BPA-free ceramic coffee cup with a comfortable handle. All of our mugs come in a beautifully designed, colorful box. The box itself is a work of art!

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